Sunday, September 12, 2010

Still Memory (Poetry Blog #2)

I'm not sure if I have fully mastered this poem...but...I took it literally as a dream.

I think the author describes the dream, then in the last stanza it explains that this was the first dream she ever recorded and after that dream, she would record many more.

At first, for the blog, I was going to try and interpret the dream she had, but then I realized that it was not the point of the poem...I think that the meaning is simple...the first time the author recorded a dream.

I'm sure that she wrote this poem because the dream was impacted her somehow, causing her to record it.

The poem is nine stanzas and in each stanza there is three lines. The poem is not metaphorical because it is a collection of thoughts and memories from the author's dream. The poem is very "list-like," meaning that the poem lists the images she saw, but there is no figurative language.

I liked that the poem seems very complicated, but once you understand the main idea, it is very simple.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right. I think this is a simple idea--but profound in practice.
